Welcome at to be in motion.
To be in motion includes dance and movement therapy as one of the specialisations of art therapy, as well as trauma therapy based on the model of Somatic Experiencing SE according to Peter Levine.
Dancing is expression, art, therapy in movement, as well as simply dancing. Dancing is universal. It gets us moving and lets us experience our agility, creativity, and liveliness. It provides us with a connection to ourselves.
Dance and movement therapy
Experience- and body-oriented, psychotherapeutically reflecting, it is based on the latest scientific and neurobiological findings. It comprises work with dancing, movement, the body and breathing. It connects us to inherent behavioural patterns, as well as our own depth. Emotions affect our bodies. Our bodily feelings are related to our thoughts, accumulated experiences and influence our activities. This is where dance therapy acts and makes us aware of the fact that much is changeable.
Somatic Experiencing – SE
SE is a trauma-specific method based on a neurobiological approach and which was founded by Dr. Peter A. Levine. SE assumes that a trauma, condition of shock and long-term stress situations are stored in the body as concentrated energy. This can give rise to symptoms which can intensively affect the flow of life and the development of a human being. SE encompasses an integrated approach to make this concentrated energy accessible once again. It provides my dance-therapeutic action with a supplementary approach and can be applied in combination or independently as a method.
Polyvagal therapy
Besides the above-mentioned approaches, my therapeutic and scientific understanding is based on the polyvagal theory according to Stephen Porges.
The polyvagal theory describes how the autonomous nervous system evolved from the mammals to humans, to keep us safe and alive. The function of the vagus nerve is the main focus.
The creation of safety within one´s own nervous system is the basis for health and well-being.
The focus of my work is in the areas of psychosomatics, depression/burnout, and post-traumatic stress, as well as the development of liveliness and creativity for all those who feel addressed.
It is accredited by Swiss health insurance companies via the majority of the supplementary insurance plans.
Current offers
There are a few free places available for individual therapy.
Groups are held in German.
Alexandra Silvana Gysel
ED Art therapist specialised in movement and dance therapy
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Felsenstrasse 12, 8008 Zurich
Phone: +41 (79) 819 62 29